Insurance Benefits for You
and Your Team

Offer benefits and keep your great employees.
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Be there for your employees

The healthcare of your employees is of the utmost importance. If you don't take care of your workers, you won't keep them for very long. Without reliable workers, your place of business may have to shut its doors. If you offer employee benefits through our insurance agency, you can give back to your employees in a way that you can both benefit from.
Save money while meeting regulations

Save money while meeting federal regulations

Provide coverage through your business

Provide coverage to protect your employees

Recruit more applicants

Recruit more applicants with attractive benefits

Keep your employees from jumping ship

Keep your employees from jumping ship

Without benefits, you may lose employees. In fact, there could be another company ready to add a new member to their team. The hiring market is becoming more and more competitive every year. At times, even large corporations are struggling to fill the spots they need to be successful. Adding employee benefits will make your business more competitive when it comes to hiring and keeping good people.
Great employee benefits attracts more applicants

Great employee benefits attracts more applicants

And in the end, they'll stick around longer, working hard to make your company more profitable.
Whats required by law

What’s required by law?

Retirement plans, health plans, dental or vision plans, life insurance plans, paid vacations, holidays, and sick leave are not currently required by the federal government. But, if your company does not offer these benefits, your employees will likely be pulled away by your competitors. In today's world, your company needs to provide employee benefits to attract employees and keep your doors open.

We write policies for:

  • Individual and group health
  • Individual and group life
  • Individual and group dental
  • Individual and group vision
  • Individual and group disability
  • Long term care

Our agents are trained to help you find the exact plan you need. What is best for your employees? We'll work with you to create a policy that covers your workers while also fitting your budget.

To quote each of these policies,
we need at a minimum:

  • names
  • birthdays
  • addresses

of each individual desiring coverage.

Do you have a question about
Insurance Benefits for you and your team?

Our agents are ready to answer any of your questions.
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